Saturday, October 29, 2011

the cake fight chapter 1

Hi my name is Rachel Britmington. I love cake. When I grow up I want too be a cook and bake cakes.
My best friend is Gandy Loverfi.
She is from Japan. I am from Greenland. But my family moved to San Francisco a month ago. Gandy also moved here a month ago. We also met in the airport. We had a lot of fun.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Once in Canada, there was a girl named Kaley. She loved playing her violin.
Her violin was her favorite thing in the world.
When she was 10 she got bored of her violin
and started playing the piano.
22 years later she was Sad.

a Picture of dogs

Interveiw animals

Today on interview animals We have Daria (The Golden dog) And Bianca (The Brown
dog). So Bianca , Where are you from?I am from Lexington, Massachusetts. And Daria?
I am also From Lexington, MA. So you are sisters? Yes. So Daria What is your favorite food?
I will have to say Pasta. But not the one on airplanes. It is disgusting on the airplanes.And
Bianca? Pizza. So Bianca What are you saving up for?A dog. And Daria ? A ipod.