Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bianca and Daria

Once upon a time there were two girls, named Bianca and Daria. They loved swimming lessons.

And one day their mom made a soup. And they did not want to eat it, because there were chicken legs in it. And buzzer eggs and alligator eyes, monkey legs and some poop.

You can't say poop!

OK, and some beautiful icing. And they did not eat the soup. Instead of eating the soup, they ate cake.

The end.

It's a silly story, huh?!

OK, tati, acum s-a terminat povestea, 4r.

Hei, nu scrie acolo.

Are you making another story?

Uh-oh, you're making another one.

Tati, I'm not doing another story!

Daddy, I really am not!


I wish you can never do a story again!

The end

It's done!

Daddy, it's done.

Lasa-[-=[ 67Lasa-ma sa scriu! No, no no no!

Tre'i sa scrii doar cu o mina.

O sa inchid viata ta!!!

Stop. Stop. S-a terminat povestea lui Daria si a lui tati.

Hai sa vedem ce-a iesit.

What??? Are you saying something???

1 comment:

daria said...

o sa inchid viata ta!