The Florida Vacation
By Daria Radulescu-Banu
Chapter 1 coming home for news
Sarah Birlden ran home from the cold, windy, winter air. She quickly took off her purple jacket, and picked up her orange, tabby cat with green eyes.” Sarah!” She heard her mother’s voice. She gently put down the orange cat and skipped up to her mother. “Sarah.” she now said in a soft, sweet voice.” Your dad and I decided that we are going to Florida for February vacation. We need to start packing soon. We leave in five days.” Sarah started to get excited. “ Thank you so much! This is all I wanted for my birthday!” She appreciated what her parents had done to make her feel happy.
Florida seems to be fair enough, however I would go in Maine (during summer months), and rent a boat and do fishing on some huge lake there surrounded by endless forests.
I would go anywhere in the summer but it is winter there so It is a good idea to go somewhere warm.
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